締切日/開催日 2020年02月03日(月)
Application for TA of the courses as follows are now accepted. If you are interested in being a TA for these classes, please contact me at faye[at]pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp by February 3rd.
“Introduction to Academic Writing” A1A2, Wednesday, Period 6
“Advanced Academic Writing” A1A2, Friday, Period 6
“Presentations and Discussion” S1S2, Friday, Period 6
- Be able to come early to make photocopies of the handouts to be distributed to the registered students.
- Be able to attend the lecture from beginning to end.
- Take attendance.
- Take detailed notes of activities during the lecture.
- Send follow-up email messages to students reminding of assignments and instructions.
- Coordinate assigned group activities, assigned time slots for presentations and keep time.
- Respond to questions students may have via email and cc me.
- Provide support to students who do not understand some points after the lecture if need be.
- Stay in touch with me via mail or phone for emergency situations.
- Maintain a good rapport with the students.