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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Call for TA “Introduction to Academic Writing”, “Advanced Academic Writing”, and “Presentations and Discussion” January 24, 2020

Deadlines/Event Dates February 3, 2020

Application for TA of the courses as follows are now accepted. If you are interested in being a TA for these classes, please contact me at faye[at] by February 3rd.

“Introduction to Academic Writing” A1A2, Wednesday, Period 6
“Advanced Academic Writing” A1A2, Friday, Period 6
“Presentations and Discussion” S1S2, Friday, Period 6


  1. Be able to come early to make photocopies of the handouts to be distributed to the registered students.
  2. Be able to attend the lecture from beginning to end.
  3. Take attendance.
  4. Take detailed notes of activities during the lecture.
  5. Send follow-up email messages to students reminding of assignments and instructions.
  6. Coordinate assigned group activities, assigned time slots for presentations and keep time.
  7. Respond to questions students may have via email and cc me.
  8. Provide support to students who do not understand some points after the lecture if need be.
  9. Stay in touch with me via mail or phone for emergency situations.
  10. Maintain a good rapport with the students.