締切日/開催日 2020年09月22日(火)
*The deadline has been extended to Tuesday, 22 September (JST).
This international program is composed of five member universities of the Global Public Policy Network, GPPN, an international group of top public policy schools from around the world. Participating member universities include:
- Columbia SIPA, New York
- Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), University of Tokyo, Tokyo
- Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
- LKY School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, Paris
The SDG Professional Certificate allows students to develop entrepreneurial skills and to work with public policy students from participating GPPN universities. It provides an opportunity for students to develop concrete projects rooted in their local environments, and to interact with academics, practitioners and policymakers specializing in the SDGs.
Students benefit from the experience of building and implementing their own interdisciplinary SDG projects while collaborating with multiple actors at different levels
As a global joint program, the SDG Certificate includes:
- Opening SDG Leadership Seminar hosted by the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs in Paris in January (online)
- A dedicated intensive semester long module during the A1-S1 semester
- A monthly joint online seminar with all participating GPPN Schools and student teams
- A final online presentation and Q&A with a jury of experts
This agenda is subject to modification.
- September 2020: Application period, Interviews and Announcement of selected teams
- September – May 2021:SDG Course and online joint seminars
- January 2021: SDG Leadership Seminar – Sciences Po, Paris
- May 2021:Final online presentations and final projects due
This year’s theme for the SDG Certificate, selected on a rotating basis by the Scientific Advisors of participating schools, and spearheaded by Professor Laetitia Atlani-Duault as Director of the World Health Organization Collaborative Center for Research on Health and Humanitarian Policies and Practices, and the President of the Institut COVID19 Ad Memoriam, will focus on projects that address the issues arising from the most pressing global challenge of today, the COVID-19 pandemic. Successful applications will tie in the role of the SDGs in developing a project that responds to one of the diverse challenges brought to light by this international crisis. As we have witnessed, the pandemic has not only revealed the difficulties facing our health and political systems, but it has also accentuated the many existing inequalities in our societies. These inequalities can be seen across a range of fields, including access to resources, basic rights, food security, housing, healthcare, technology, education and personal safety, among others.
In this context, the GPPN invites students to identify an important policy challenge in a field related to the SDGs and the global health crisis caused by COVID-19. Proposals can incorporate public, private or hybrid approaches as appropriate.
Students need to submit a proposal, letter of motivation (both maximum 1,000 words) and CV to GraSPP Office (intl_application@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp) and cc: Prof. Orsi (orsi@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp) by 22 September 2020. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a final selection interview.
The interviews of the short-listed candidates will be conducted on 24 September as needed. (TBC)
Teams must be committed to continue working together to develop their projects throughout the spring semester and are required to attend all elements of the SDG Certificate (Paris seminar, SDG spring course and online joint sessions).
Roberto Orsi is Project Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo. He holds a PhD in International Relations obtained from the London School of Economics in 2013. His research interests focus on international political theory, history of political concepts, East Asian and European international politics.
For questions related to the SDG Certificate and GPPN, please contact us:
Course Professor: Prof. Roberto ORSI (orsi@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Coordinator: Aoi Ohno (intl_application@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp)