A student spoke on ways to enhance technology transfer for industrial cooperation between Vietnam and Japan
A student spoke on ways to enhance technology transfer for industrial cooperation between Vietnam and Japan
Result of PhD Document Screening of AY2020/2021 (the first recruitment)
Experts discussed industrial cooperation through technology transfer at GraSPP-CIEM Policy Research Forum in Hanoi
渡辺安虎教授が共著した論文”Voter turnout and preference aggregation” (joint with Kei Kawai and Yuta Toyama) がAmerican Economic Journal: Microeconomicsにアクセプトされました
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng commented on Japan’s infrastructure projects for an article “Money for the Mekong” published in the Indo-Pacific Defense Forum (Vol. 44 Issue 3, November 2019)
Professors Chiyuki Aoi and Yee-Kuang Heng published a book chapter titled “The Asia Pacific region and international peace support” in The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng presented a paper titled “Upholding the maritime order and mutual strategic reassurance in UK-Japan relations” at the The First International Workshop by The Informal Empire Research Project. organised by Tohoku University
高原明生院長が『中国の外交戦略と世界秩序-理念・政策・現地の視線』(川島真、遠藤貢、高原明生、松田康博共著)に 「中国の一帯一路構想」と題した記事を掲載しました(2020年1月15日)