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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Doctoral thesis for PhD students

1. Process and Internal Rules for awarding a PhD degree

Please make sure of following points first. / 始めに以下の点を確認しておくこと。
(1) 博士の学位審査に関する内規 /  Internal Regulations for the Assessment and Award of Doctor of Philosophy (JP: 368KB), (EN: 147KB)
(2) 「博士の学位審査に関する内規」についての申合わせ事項 学生周知用(一部抜粋)/ Agreement on the Internal Regulations for the Assessment and Award of Doctor of Philosophy – excerpt for students – (JP: 236KB), (EN: 57KB)
(3) 博士課程修了までの流れ / Process of Award of Doctor of Philosophy (JP: 981KB), (EN: 731KB)
(4) Format for Proposal Review (as of 25 January, 2018) (45KB)

2. Guidelines for Thesis submitted by PhD Candidates

Please make sure of rules and regulations related scientific research when writing theses. Students are requested to read carefully the following guidelines. / 論文執筆の際は下記ガイドライン等を熟読し、研究倫理について遺漏のないようにすること。
(1) Guidelines for Thesis Submission <To be Implemented in AY2024> 
(JP: 642KBSeparate documents Zip 3MB) , (EN: 479KB , Separate documents Zip 3MB)
(2) Code of Conduct for Research(294KB)
(3) Guide for Doctorate Theses and Copyrights(1.32MB)
(4) Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers, Graduate School of Public Policy (JP: 517KB) , (EN: 124KB)
<For reference>
(5) Guidelines for Theses, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics (JP: 401KB) , (EN: 258KB)
(6) Guidelines for Theses, Graduate School of Economics (JP: 436KB) , (EN: 299KB)

3. Documents to be Submitted for the Doctoral Thesis

Candidates who intend to obtain permission from their supervisor to conduct the Final Review should also prepare the following documents. / Final Reviewの実施について指導教員の許可を得ようとしている者は、下記の書類についても準備をしておくこと。
Please refer to the “Guidelines for Thesis Submission” above when submitting the following documents. / 下記の書類の提出に際しては上記の”Guidelines for Thesis Submission” を参照すること。
Items to be Submitted BEFORE the Final Review
(1) Title of Doctoral Thesis / 論文題目届 (20KB)
(2) Doctoral Thesis : digital data / 論文の電子データ
(3) Thesis Summary : digital data / 論文の内容の要旨の電子データ_Sample / 例 (24KB)
(4) Résumé / 履歴書 (EN: 28KB) , (JP: 39KB)
(5) Thesis Table of Contents / 論文目録 (EN: 27KB) , (JP: 30KB)
(6) Statement of Commitment / 誓約書 (22KB)
<Followings are documents to be submitted if applicable.>
(7) Letter of Consent and Acceptance / 同意承諾書 (EN: 36KB) , (JP: 35KB
(8) Reference Articles : digital data/ 参考論文の電子データ


Items to be Submitted AFTER the Final Review
(1) Doctoral thesis (Full version in a hardbound form) / 博士論文(本製本)
(2) Doctoral thesis (Full version in PDF format) / 博士論文(全文PDF)
(3) *Doctoral thesis (Abridged, in PDF format) / 博士論文(要約PDF)
(4) Printed front cover of Doctoral thesis / 博士論文(PDF)表紙_Format / 指定書式 (21KB)
(5) Checklist for Web-Based Publication of Doctoral Thesis / 博士論文のインターネット公表に関する確認票 (EN: 24KB) , (JP: 35KB)
(6) *Application for Publication of Thesis under Special Circumstances / 博士論文公表方法に関する特例申請書 (EN: 18KB) , (JP: 32KB)
(7) *Document explaining in detail the “unavoidable circumstances” /「やむを得ない事由」を具体的に説明する資料

Letter of Authorization / 許諾書 (EN: 33KB) , (JP: 32KB)

 Appendix “Registration of Doctorate Thesis on the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global” / 別紙「ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Globalへの博士論文データの登載について」 (EN: 196KB) , (JP: 201KB)

(9) Letter of authorization for copy / 製本論文の使用に関する許諾書 (22KB) (English sample: 596KB)


*Not required if your doctoral thesis will be full publication. / 全文公表の場合は不要。