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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPP’s first PhD holder delivered a keynote address at the AMOS conference 2020年09月23日(水)


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On 17 September 2020, GraSPPs first PhD holder and researcher at the Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance (STIG) Program, Quentin Verspieren, delivered a keynote address on the second day of the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference, premier world conference on space situational awareness and space traffic management.

The two other keynote speakers of the conference were be Major General Stephen N. Whiting, Deputy Commander, Headquarters United States Space Force and Mr. Mark Dankberg, Chief Executive Officer, Viasat Inc.

Dr Verspierens 30-min keynote address focused on the results of his doctoral work on the role of the military in space traffic management and serve as introductory remarks for a panel titled “Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Norms of Behavior” organized by the Secure World Foundation.

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