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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Quentin Verspieren研究員が国連の宇宙空間平和利用委員会にて講演しました 2021年08月26日(木)


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On 25 August 2021, Dr. Quentin Verspieren delivered a technical presentation during the 64th session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, on a joint project of the Science, Technology and Innovation Governance (STIG) Program of The University of Tokyo and international NGO UNISEC-Global on space education policy.

Abstract of Dr. Verspieren’s presentation

Non-profit and non-governmental organisation UNISEC-Global and the Science, Technology and Innovation Governance (STIG) Program of The University of Tokyo have initiated in 2021 a project aiming to promote virtuous governmental policies in support of space education. It mostly consists of two research items: (1) collecting and analysing existing policies worldwide and acknowledging best practices, and (2) with a network of research partners, devising and proposing innovative policies in support of space education. The concrete outcome of the project would be a report, revised and published annually in order to monitor the evolution of space education policies worldwide.

View Dr. Verspieren’s presentation slides