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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Roberto Orsi特任准教授とCesare Scartozziの北東アジアの再生可能エネルギーに関する共著論文が出版されました 2021年11月24日(水)


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Project Associate Professor Roberto Orsi and Cesare Scartozzi, a PhD candidate of GraSPP, published a paper entitled “Connecting Northeast Asia: Renewable Energy and Prospects for Cooperation” on Asian Perspective.

This article assesses the significance of renewable energy technologies in the integration of the Northeast Asian energy sector. The study provides a country-level analysis of renewable energy trends in China, Korea, and Japan. Then, it analyzes how domestic trends are linked from a regional perspective, highlighting opportunities and challenges posed by renewable energy technologies. Finally, it assesses the current state of affairs in energy cooperation and provides an appraisal of future developments, with particular attention to the issue of grid connectivity.Link: