Professor Yee-Kuang Heng’s article, “Building futures literacy: Nudging civil servants to cope with uncertainties and threats” was published in the European Journal of International Security (Cambridge University Press).
Threat perception in international relations has received much academic attention and continues to do so. Other contributions to this special section on how leaders feel security dangers or perceive threats with radical uncertainty are closely intertwined with this article’s focus on threats that are vague and not immediately perceptible. Humans possess a capacity for thinking about and imagining the future known as prospection. Faced with threatening futures, can governments prepare their civil servants to systematically manage uncertainties and anticipate dangers? Drawing on empirical data from interviews with foresight practitioners in the United Kingdom and Singapore, this article examines how governments are nudging civil servants to deploy futures techniques as part of threat perception.
For details, please visit the link below.
Building futures literacy: Nudging civil servants to cope with uncertainties and threats