寄付講座「資本市場と公共政策」の講義録『動き出す「貯蓄から投資へ」:資産運用立国への課題と挑戦』(金融財政事情研究会)が出版されまし た
寄付講座「資本市場と公共政策」の講義録『動き出す「貯蓄から投資へ」:資産運用立国への課題と挑戦』(金融財政事情研究会)が出版されまし た
Integration fraught with stigma: tales from vocational training for disabled landmine victims in Cambodia
GraSPP alumni contributed a chapter to the book published by the OECD entitled “The Economics of Space Sustainability: Delivering Economic Evidence to Guide Government Action”
谷口将紀教授のインタビュー記事『政治資金規正法・第三者機関 行政罰科す権限与えよ』が毎日新聞に掲載されました
Exploring the intersection of policy and environment: My journey through the GraSPP and ANU Double Degree Program
Viet Nam-Japan Policy Research Forum Workshop 2023 – Part 2 – “Digital Economy Partnership under Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF): How Should Japan and Viet Nam Cooperate?”
Dean Daiji Kawaguchi met with the delegation from the Asian Development Bank
Contributing to development in Asia with professional integrity