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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo


非常勤講師 / Visiting Lecturer ALEMANNO, AlbertoALEMANNO, Alberto

Courses in AY 2024

  • 5112131 Science, Technology and Public Policy
  • 5171105 Science and Technology Policy: Politics(Science,Technology and Public Policy)
  • 5175006 International Security: Politics(Science,Technology and Public Policy)

Education & Employment

LLM Harvard Law School
PhD in International Law & Economics
LLM College of Europe

Research Fields

Alberto Alemanno is Jean Monnet Professor of Law at Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Paris and Global Clinical Professor at New York University School of Law. Alberto’s research has been centered on the role of - and need for – evidence and public input in domestic and supranational policymaking. In particular, he has been focusing on and promoting the study of the emerging law and policy of risk regulation in both the EU and the WTO legal orders. He has explored, in particular, the use of scientific evidence and behavioural research - as drawn from psychology, cognitive sciences and economics - in regulatory decision-making and in the judicial review of science-based measures by courts. At present, he is working on the legal implications and potential contribution of behavioural research in policymaking across policy areas, in particular public health. Due to his commitment to bridge the gap between academic research and policy action, he regularly provides advice to a variety of NGOs and governments across the world as well as international organizations, such as the the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Health Organisation, on various aspects of European Union law, international regulatory cooperation, international trade and global health law as well as evidence-based policymaking. Originally from Italy, Alemanno is a graduate of the College of Europe and Harvard Law School. He holds a PhD in International Law and Economics from Bocconi University. Prior to entering academia fully time, he clerked at the Court of Justice of the European Union, worked as a Teaching Assistant at the College of Europe in Bruges and qualified as an attorney at law in New York. He is the founder and editor of the European Journal of Risk Regulation (published by Cambridge University Press) since 2009. Alberto is the co-founder of The Good Lobby, an innovative skill-based matching organization connecting people with expertise and knowledge with civil society organizations that need them. He established the Summer Academy in Global Food Law & Policy in 2008. Today this initiative has become the leading training programme for professionals, policymakers and scholars committed to a more sustainable and fairer food supply chain. Alberto Alemanno was appointed Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2015

Major Publications

A. Alemanno, Trade in Food – Regulatory & Judicial Approaches in the EC and the WTO, Cameron May, London, 2007
Edited Books
   A. Alemanno and L. Khadar, Re-inventing Legal Education: How Clinical Legal Education is Reforming The Practice and Teaching of Law, Cambridge University Press (2017).
   A. Alemanno and E. Bonadio, The New Intellectual Property of Health : Beyond Plain Packaging, Edward Elgar (2016).
   A. Alemanno and A-L. Sibony, Nudge and the Law : A European Perspective, Hart Publishing, Oxford (2015).
   A. Alemanno and A. Garde, Regulating Lifestyle Risks - Europe, Alcohol, Tobacco and Unhealthy Diets, Cambridge University Press (2014).
   A. Alemanno and S. Gabbi, Foundations of EU Food Law & Policy – Ten Years Of European Food Safety Authority, London: Ashgate (2014).
   A. Alemanno, F. den Butter, A. Nijsen, J. Torriti , Better business regulation in a risk society, Springer, (2013).
   A. Alemanno, Governing Risks - The Challenges of Emergency Risk Regulation, Edward Elgar, (2011).
   A. Alemanno et al., Scientific Evidence in International and European Law, Proceedings of the Young Researchers Workshops on Science & Law, Argo Editore (2010).
Contributions in Books:
Nudge and the European Union, in C. Möllers, M. Steinbeis, et al. Choice Architecture and Democracy, Oxford Hart Publishing (2016).
How Transparent is Transparent Enough? Balancing Access To Information Against Privacy in European Judicial Selection, in M. Bobek, Selecting Europe’s Judges, Oxford University Press (2015).
The European regulatory response to the volcanic ash crisis between fragmentation and integration, in I. Govaere and S. Poli, EU Management of Global Emergencies: Legal Framework for Combating Threats and Crisis, Brill Publisher, (2015)
Impact Assessment and Courts, in C. Radaelli and C. Dunlop, Handbook on Regulatory Impact Assessment, Edward Elgar, forthcoming (2015)
Informing the Non-Communicable Diseases Agenda with Behavioural Insights, in A. Alemanno and A. Garde (eds.), Regulating Lifestyles – Europe, Alcohol, Tobacco And Unhealthy Diets, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming (2014)
Taxation and Economic Incentives in Health-related in Health-related Commodities: Alcohol, Tobacco and Food, in A. Alemanno and A. Garde (eds.), Regulating Lifestyles – Europe, Alcohol, Tobacco And Unhealthy Diets, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming (2014)
The Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases in Europe, T. Voon, A. Mitchell and J. Lieberman, (eds.), Regulating Tobacco, Alcohol and Unhealthy Foods: The Legal Issues', Routledge, forthcoming (2014)
Is there a role for Cost-benefit Analysis beyond the Nation-State? Lessons from International Regulatory Co-operation, R. Revesz & M. Livermore, The Globalization of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Environmental Policy, Oxford University Press (2013).
Public Perception of Food Safety Risks Under WTO Law: A Normative Perspective, forthcoming in Geert van Calster and Denise Prévost (eds), Research Handbook on Environment, Health and the WTO (Edward Elgar, UK, 2013).
Comparing Regulatory Oversight Bodies Across the Atlantic: The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the US and the Impact Assessment Board in the EU, in Comparative Administrative Law, Susan Rose-Ackerman & Peter Lindseth eds., Edward Elgar (2011), co-authored with Wiener, Jonathan B.
What has been and what is left thirty years after Les Verts/Parliament, in L. Azoulai – M. Poiares Maduro, The past and future of European Union Law. The Classics of EC law revisited on the occasion of the 50th year of the Treaty of Rome, Hart Publishing, 2010.
How to get out of the regulatory deadlock over GMOs? This is time for regulatory cooperation, in D. Vogel & J. Swinnen (ed), Cooperating in Managing Biosafety and Biodiversity in a global world, EU, US and California, University of Berkeley Press (2011).
La responsabilità dello Stato nei confronti dei privati per le violazioni commesse dai giudici di ultima istanza: il risarcimento dei Danni causati da sentenze definitive, in F. Spitaleri, L’incidenza del diritto comunitario e della CEDU sugli atti nazionali definitivi, Giuffré, 2010.
Non-contractual liability of the Community regarding WTO obligations: Where do we stand?, in C. Dordi, The Absence of Direct Effect of WTO in the EC and in other countries, Giuffré, 2010 (co-authored with F. Di Gianni).
The FIAMM judgment or ‘going bananas’! A missed opportunity to distribute the costs of European Community’s non-compliance with WTO rulings across society, G. Martinico – F. Fontanelli, The ECJ under siege: new constitutional challenges for the European Court, ICFAI Press, 2009.
“Analysis of organic food regulations in the European Union: food safety, environmental protection or protection of European agriculture?”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Production and Consumption – From Corporate Governance to Citizen-Consumers – Université de Laval, Québec, September 2008.
Solving the Problem of Scale - The European approach to import safety and import security concerns, in C. Coglianese, A. Finkel, D. Zahring (eds), Import Safety: Regulatory Governance in the Global Economy, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009
The Dialogue between Judges and Experts in the EU and WTO, P. Carrozza - F. Fontanelli -G. Martinico (eds.), Shaping the Rule of Law through Dialogue: International and Supranational Experiences, Europa Law Publishing, 2009.
Science & EU Risk Regulation: The Role of Scientific Experts in Decision-Making and Judicial Review, in E. Vos, European Risk Governance: its Science, its Inclusiveness and its Effectiveness, Connex report series, 2008.
Private Parties and WTO Dispute Settlement System – Who bears the costs of non-compliance and why private parties should not bear them, in J. Chaisse & T. Balmelli (Eds), Essays on the Future of the World Trade Organization, Editions Interuniversitaires Suisses (EDIS), Geneva, 2008.
The Shaping of the Precautionary Principle by European Courts: From Scientific Uncertainty to Legal Certainty, in L. Cuocolo, L. Luparia (eds), Valori Costituzionali e Nuove Politiche del Diritto, Halley, 2007.
The Contested Governance of European Food Safety – The Evolution of Food Safety in the EU, in European Food Safety Regulation: The challenge of Multi-level Governance, (D. Vogel and C. Ansell eds), MIT Press (2006).
Voce “Aiuti di Stato”, in Dizionario di Diritto Pubblico, (a cura di S. Cassese), Giuffré, 2006.
“La politica europea di sicurezza e difesa (PESD) – Profili storici, istituzionali e normativi”, in La Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune (a cura di P. Mariani), Giuffré, 2005.
Thinking Justice Outside the Dock. A Critical Assessment of the Court’s reform. A Critical Assessment of the Reform of the EU’s Court System 54 Common Market Law Review 1 (2017) (with Laurent Pech).
L’Union européenne et le nudging, La Revue Tocqueville, Vol. XXXVII, n.1 - 2016
Brève introduction à l’analyse comportamentale du droit, Recueil Dalloz, 192ème année, 28 avril 2016, n. 16 - 2016 (with Anne-Lise Sibony et Geneviève Helleringer)
L’analyse comportamentale du droit, Revue de droit economique, 2016, n. 16 - 2016 (with Anne-Lise Sibony et Geneviève Helleringer)
    Balancing free movement and public health the case of Minimum Unit Pricing of alcohol in Scotch Whisky 53 Common Market Law Review 1, vol. 53, n° 4, pp. 1037–1063, 2016.
    The Future of International Regulatory Cooperation: TTIP as a Step Toward a Global Regulatory Laboratory, Law and Contemporary Problems (forthcoming – with Jonathan Wiener)
    How Much Better is Better Regulation? Assessing the Impact of the Better Regulation Package on the European Union – A Research Agenda, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 3/2015.
    The Regulatory Cooperation Chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Institutional Structures and Democratic Consequences, Journal of International Economic Law, Fall 2015.
    Towards Effective Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP: A Comparative Overview of the EU and US Legislative and Regulatory Systems, Columbia Journal of European Law, 2015 – with Richard W. Parker)
    Nudging Legally – On the Checks and Balances of Behavioural Regulation, International Journal of Constitutional Law (2014 - with A. Spina).
    Unpacking the Principle of Openness in EU Law - Transparency, Participation and Democracy European Law Review  (2014).
    Openness at the Court of Justice of the European Union: Toppling a Taboo, 51 Common Market Law Review 1 (2014).
    The Emergence of Evidence-based Judicial Review  - A Response to Bar-Siman-Tov’s Semiprocedural review, 1 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 2 (2013).
    The Emergence of an EU Lifestyle Policy - The Case of Alcohol, Tobacco and Unhealthy Diets 50 Common Market Law Review 5 (2013).
    Impact assessment of EU non-legislative rule-making: the missing link in new comitology, European Law Journal (2013), (co-authored with A. Meuwese).
    The Science, Law and Policy of Neonicotinoids and Bees: A New Test Case for the Precautionary Principle, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2/2013.
    Le principe d’ouverture en droit européen: d’un instrument de lutte contre l’opacité institutionnelle à un outil de démocratie participative, Revue de droit de l’Union européenne, 4/2012.
    Out of Sight Out of Mind – Towards a New Tobacco Products Directive, 18 Columbia Journal of European Law 2 (2012).
    The HOB-vin III judgment : Stories on Sex (labels), Alcohol (pops) and…EEA State Liability, European Law Reporter, Vol. 12, 2012.
    Case annotation on the judgment of 22 December 2010, Court of Justice of the European Union, in Case C-79/09 Gowan Comércio Internacional e Serviços Lda v. Ministero della Salute, 48 Common Market Law Review 4 (2011).
    Regulatory Impact Assessment and European Courts: When Ex Ante Evaluation Meets Ex Post Judicial Control, European Public Law, Volume 17, Number 3 – September (2011).
    The Legality, Rationale and Science of Tobacco Display Bans after the Philip Morris Judgment, European Law Reporter, Vol. 4, 2011.
    Do You Mind My Smoking? Some Reflections On Plain Packaging Of Cigarettes And Its Compatibility With Trips' Provisions On Trademarks And Public Health, John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law (co-authored with E. Bonadio), Spring 2011.
    The Two Souls of European Risk Regulation – A Reply to Ragnar Lofstedt, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2/2011.
    The European Food Import Safety Regime under a ‘Stress Test’: the Melamine Contamination of the Global Food-Supply Chain, Erasmus Law Review, Fall (2010).
    Lifestyle Risks: Conceptualizing an Emerging Category of Research (November 30, 2010), European Journal of Risk Regulation, Vol. 4, p. 337, 2011 (co-authored with Planzer, Simon).
    Opinion 1/2008: Community Competence to conclude with certain Members of the WTO agreements modifying the Schedules of Specific Commitments of the Community and its member states under the GATS, 104 American Journal of International Law 3.
    The volcanic ash crisis between international and European law, American Society of International Law (ASIL): Insight, Volume 14, Issue 21 (July 13, 2010).
    L’approche européenne à la sécurité des importations : Concilier protection des consommateurs et accès au marché après l’affaire du lait chinois frelaté, Revue de droit de l’Union européenne, 3/2010.
    The fabulous destiny of Bisphenol A, European Journal of Risk Regulation, issue 4 (2010).
    The European regulatory response to the volcanic ash crisis between fragmentation and integration, European Journal of Risk Regulation, issue 2 (2010).
    La réponse réglementaire européenne face à la crise du nuage de cendres volcaniques - Données empiriques et premières réflexions, Revue de droit de l’Union européenne, 2/2010.
   The Better Regulation Initiative at the Judicial Gate: A Trojan Horse within the Commission’s Walls or the Way Forward?, European Law Journal, issue 5 (2009).
European Court rejects damages claim from innocent bystanders in the EU-US "Banana War", American Society of International Law (ASIL): Insight, Volume 12, Issue 21 (October 22, 2008)
The ECJ France Télécom/Wanadoo judgment: To recoup or not to recoup ? This “was” the question for a predatory pricing finding under Article 82 EC, European Law Reporter (2009), forthcoming, co-authored with M. Ramondino
Regulating organic farming in the European Union - Balancing Consumer Preferences and Free Movement Imperatives, European Journal of Consumer Law 1/2009.
At the end of the tunnel there is … darkness: The ECJ denies EC liability for WTO non-compliance, European Law Reporter (2008), co-authored with M. Schmauch.
The European Food Safety Authority before European Courts – Some reflections on the judicial review of EFSA scientific opinions and administrative acts, European Food and Feed Law Review, issue n. 5 (2008), co-authored with S. Mahieu.
The shaping of risk regulation by Community Courts, Jean Monnet Working Paper, New York University, n. 18, 2008.
The European Food Safety Authority at Five, European Food and Feed Law Review, 2008.
Quis Custotet Custodes dans le cadre de l'initiative Mieux Légiférer? Une analyse des mécanismes de surveillance de la qualité réglementaire au sein de la Commission européenne et le Comité d’évaluation des analyses d’impact, Revue du Droit de l'Union européenne, 1/2008.
L’Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments souffle ses cinq premières bougies - Un bilan d’activité, Revue du Droit de l'Union européenne, 3/2007, pp. 585-632.
Le principe de précaution et les juridictions communautaires, in Dossier DALLOZ sur le principe de précaution, sous la diréction de C. Noville, 2006.
Le principe de la reconnaissance mutuelle au delà du marché intérieur. Phénomène d'exportation normative ou stratégie de "colonialisme" règlementaire?, in Revue du droit de l’Union européenne, 2/2006.
Same-Sex Marriage in America between Substantive Due process and the Equal Protection Clause, in Cahiers européennes (August 2006)
Fundamental Common Market Freedoms versus Fundamental Individual Rights in the EU: What role for the ECJ after the Omega case?, in UE Focus, April, 2005.
À la recherche d’un juste équilibre entre libertés fondamentales et droits fondamentaux dans le marché intérieur – Quelques réflexions à propos des arrêts Schmidberger et Omega, Revue du droit de l’Union européenne, 4/04.
Judicial Enforcement of the WTO Hormones ruling within the European Community: Toward an EC Liability for the non-implementation of WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions, Harvard International Law Journal, Volume 45, No. 2 (2004).
Private Parties and WTO Dispute Settlement System – Who bears the costs of non-compliance and why private parties should not bear them, 1 Cornell Law School Working Papers, (2004).
“British American Tobacco: nuovo capitolo della saga “Union de pequeňos agricultores – Jégo Quéré”?, Il diritto dell’Unione Europea 3 (2003).
“L’articolo 28 del Trattato tra esigenze di funzionamento del mercato interno e tutela dei diritti fondamentali: alla ricerca di un possibile equilibrio”, Rivista di diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 4/2003.
Gli accordi di reciproco riconoscimento di conformità dei prodotti tra regole OMC ed esperienza europea, Rivista del diritto del commercio internazionale, 3-4, 2003.
   ¿Novedades en la jurisprudencia referente a la base jurídica de las normativas comunitarias?: La sentencia “British American Tobacco, in Gaceta juridica de la Union europea y de la competencia, Julio-Agosto, 2003, n. 226.
   Le principe de précaution en droit communautaire: stratégie de gestion des risques ou risque d’atteinte au marché intérieur?, Revue du droit de l’Union européenne, 4/2001.
Policy reports:
Stakeholder Engagement in Policymaking, OECD, 2015
Towards Effective Regulatory Cooperation Under TTIP: A Comparative Overview of the EU and US Legislative and Regulatory Systems (May 15, 2014), European Commission, Brussels, May 2014 (with Richard Parker)
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Parliamentary Regulatory Co-operation, European Parliament, 2014.
Regulating Lifestyle Risk in Europe: Tobacco, Alcohol and Unhealthy Diets, SIEPS Policy Report, 6/2013.
Op-Eds and columns in media publications
Les affaires Barroso et Kroes dévoilent l’absence de règles efficaces en matière de lobbying en Europe, LE MONDE, 23 september 2016
Le modèle norvégien n’est pas une option pour Londres, LE MONDE, 5 august 2016.
How to prevent Barroso from becoming yet another lobbyist," Euractiv, July 12, 2016
"Is Free Trade Dead? Europe Needs More Serious Debate on Trade," POLITICO, July 10, 2016.
Comment empêcher Barroso de devenir lobbyiste, Libre Belgique,15 juillet 2016
Den Dämonen zähmen, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 26 May, 2014
Aux parlements de surveiller l’accord Transatlantique, Le Monde, 24 Avril, 2014
Sburocratizzare l’Italia, Il Sole 24 Ore, 9 Marzo 2013.
La Spinta Gentile dell’Europa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Ottobre 2013
A Bruxelles niente trappole : i predatory cognitivi, Il Sole 24 Ore, 15 Dicembre 2013
Regulating Tobacco in Europe, Huffington Post, 3 April 2013.
Le scandale de la viande de cheval: l'indication du pays d'origine n'est pas la solution, Huffington Post, 3 Février 2013.
Nudging Europe, EuropeanVoice, May 16, 2012.
EU Tobacco Control 2.0, EuropeanVoice, January 10, 2013.
A More Sophisticated Crisis Response to the E.Coli Outbreak, EuropeanVoice, June 16, 2011.
Der «gestupste» Raucher –Haben Staaten ein freies Schussfeld?, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 1 2012.
Book reviews:
Geraint Howells, The Tobacco Challenge, Routledge, 2011, 49 Common Market Law Review 2 (2012)
Justo Corti Varela, Organismos genéticamente modificados y riesgos sanitarios y medios ambientales. Derecho de la Unión Europea y de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Madrid: Reus, 2010, 48 Common Market Law Review 6 (2011)
F. Capelli, V. Silano, B. Klaus, La nuova disciplina del settore alimentare e autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare, Giuffré, 2006, in Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali, 2007.
M. Pollack – G. Shaffer, When Cooperation Fails, Oxford University Press, reviewed in European Law Journal 2011.