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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Housing information

Student dormitories of the University of Tokyo

These residences accept online applications in January (for April move-in ) or in June (for September move-in). The application information will be sent to all international students by email.

The decision on acceptance into student residences is made at the beginning of March (for April move-in) or the beginning of August (for September move-in).

The University of Tokyo has built and designated several dormitories specifically for international student use but is currently unable to meet demand. Although it is possible to apply, seeking alternative housing options is highly recommended.

Joint surety/Guarantor

In Japan, whether you are a foreigner or Japanese, you need a joint surety/guarantor to rent an apartment. Because international students face difficulties in finding a joint surety/guarantor, the University of Tokyo has a program that appoints the Head of the International Student Support Group as your joint surety/guarantor. For more information, please visit the International Student Support Group. (9:30-17:00, TEL:03-5841-2473)

  • International Students Support Group (Go Global Center) Contact

Apartment Information