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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Courses 2024-2025

This page contains information for students of MPP/IP or Doctoral Course. If you belong to other courses, please click “日本語” on the upper right of this page.

AY2024 Class Format
Academic Calendar
Class Schedule

For MPP/IP students
 S1S2 (last update: Apr. 19)    A1A2 (last update: Mar. 21)

For Doctoral course students
 S1S2 (last update: Apr. 19)    A1A2 (last update: Mar. 14)

*Logging in to ECCS Cloud Email is required to open the file above. Please find details for ECCS Cloud Email here.
*You can find each buildings with the map on the following link.

Completion Requirements

For MPP/IP students   For Doctoral course students

Course Registration

For MPP/IP students   For Doctoral course students

Important Reminder on the Course Registration

For MPP/IP students   For Doctoral course students

Curriculum Structure

For MPP/IP students

Course Catalog

For Master’s Course students (last update: Mar. 21)
        *English-taught Courses List

For Doctoral course students

Procedures for Academic Matters

For MPP/IP students   For Doctoral course students

GraSPP Room Use Guidelines

For MPP/IP students   For Doctoral course students

Various Contact Information List
Course Registration and Academic Procedures Guide PDF

Paper booklet will be distributed as below.
New Students ➡ Distributed at GraSPP orientation
Enrolled Students ➡ Distributed on request at GraSPP Office


You can find the syllabi on UTAS.
Release day of syllabi for AY2024 courses: March 15, 2024

You can also find syllabi from the link below. Please note that some contents are only available on UTAS.

▼UTokyo Online Course catalog

Course Summaries

Course summaries are made of information extracted from UTAS syllabus, such as course title, course code and course objective. Access UTAS for the latest full-information of course syllabus.

Master’s Course

Basic Courses (last update: Mar. 21)
Topics Courses
Practical Training
Case Studies
Research Paper and Thesis

Doctoral Course

Course Numbering

Course Numbering at the University of Tokyo
【~2020.3.31】List of Course Numbering Of GraSPP

【2020.4.1~】List of Course Numbering Of GraSPP  

Past Course Information