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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo


Request for Certificates


Please contact GraSPP Office if you need irregular certificates.

With the Automatic Certificate Dispenser    *for Current Students Only

Current students can obtain the following certificates on-the-spot with the automatic certificate dispensers on campus:

  • Certificate of Enrollment
  • Academic Transcript
  • Certificate of Expected Program Completion (* for students in their last year only)
  • JR student discount certificate

A student ID card and password for UTAS are required to operate the dispenser.

Location: Location Map of the automatic certificate dispensers ( MAP_As of 2023.3.22 ) * in Japanese

In person at the GraSPP office   *for Graduates

Please submit the “Application for Certificate” form at the window of GraSPP Office. Regular certificates are issued immediately.
You need to present;

  • Your ID, when you are the applicant
  • The ID of the proxy and a letter of proxy with your signature, when applying through a proxy
Office hours: 9 am-5 pm on weekdays (see bulletain board for temporal office closure information)
Location: 13F at International Academic Research Bldg.

Via post   *for Graduates

Please send the “Application for Certificate” form and a copy of your ID to the address below. In the request form, please specify how you receive the certificates. If you need them by post, a self-addressed stamped envelope need to be enclosed.

If you can not download the Application for Certificate form (PDF), please request with the following information on an A4 size piece of paper.
* Name and surname
* Date of birth
* Address
* Telephone number
* Permanent e-mail address
* Purpose and submitting destination
* Entrance month and year
* Type of certificate and number of sheets requested

mailing address:
GraSPP Office
Graduate School of Public Policy
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Japan

Application forms for regular certificates will be processed within 24 hours of receipt except for weekends.

Rough estimate of weight

Up to 3 copies: 25 grams    /    Up to 8 copies: 50 grams

by Email   *for Graduates

Please send the “Application for Certificate” form and a copy of your ID to GraSPP Office. In the request form, please specify how you receive the certificates. If you need them by post, a self-addressed stamped envelope need to be sent by post to GraSPP Office.

Digitally Singed PDF Certificates (updated on February 1, 2024)

  • Certificates in PDF format are digitally signed.
  • A paper printout of this PDF document is not valid as an original certificate.
  • PDF certificates with digital signatures are now issued experimentally at some faculties/graduate schools in UTokyo. This operation is subject to change.
  • PDF certificates will be processed within three working days.