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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Doctoral course

Program Description


The Graduate School of Public Policy is pleased to announce that the doctoral program has launched from AY2016. The main research areas of the doctoral program are International Finance and Development, International Security, and Science and Technology. The program aims to nurture highly skilled researchers in law and politics and economics. In addition, it aims to foster cross-cutting, multidisciplinary, and practical skills for policy-making.

Social demands

Globalization and major changes in the global environment are presenting modern society with increasingly diverse and complex challenges. Dealing with these challenges demands an advanced skillset—the ability to identify quickly and accurately the key issues from amidst complex phenomena, to apply sophisticated research skills to establish the relevant questions, and to synthesize expert knowledge from various fields to create a set of options for solutions. A choice must then be made from amongst the options set while building social consensus around that choice through communication, and the chosen option implemented expeditiously with an international perspective. Given this new level of complexity and diversity, it is hardly surprising that a growing ratio of international institutions and government policy practitioners are doctorate-holders.

Expectations for Students

Responding to these social demands, our doctoral program trains students in the advanced research skills necessary to develop original questions from their research, construct and assess potential solutions that synthesize expert knowledge from various disciplines, and move these solutions quickly into practice with an international perspective, communicating with diverse stakeholders. Our graduates are policy professionals superbly equipped to handle specialist tasks and take the lead in core areas of society—whether they are leading policy development on diverse and complex social issues critical to state operation, representing the government in difficult international negotiations, leading international discussion at international organizations and research institutions, leading major multinational corporate projects that stimulate industry, or effecting social transformation as social entrepreneurs.

The program focuses on International Finance and Development, International Security, and Science and Technology as areas where these social demands are particularly strong and where there is a need for close international partnership.

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Key Features

  • The Program can be completed entirely in English
  • 20 credits and doctoral thesis, 3-year program
  • Degree to Confer: Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy
  • Annual Intake: 8 places
  • Admission Requirements include:
    a) Master’s thesis or its equivalent
    b) Foundation of specialized knowledge of either Law and Politics or Economics at master’s level is required to begin the program
  • 3 Research Areas: “International Security”, “International Finance and Development” and “Science and Technology Policy”

Faculty Members

For more information about faculty members, please see this page.

  • Main supervisors
AOI, Chiyuki War and Strategic Studies; Peace and Security
AOKI, Naomi Comparative Public Administration, Public Management, Civil Service Reforms, Public Governance
CHEN, Stacey Labor, Development, Education, and Health Economics; Applied Econometrics
HENG, Yee Kuang International Security; Strategic Studies; Existential Risks
IIDA, Keisuke International political economy
IIZUKA, Toshiaki Health Economics, Industrial Organization
ITO, Kazuyori International Law, International Economic Law
JIN, Bei Health Policy, Contemporary Chinese Politics and Governance
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji Labor Economics
MAEDA, Kentaro Public Administration
NAKATA, Taisuke Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy
NIREI, Makoto Macroeconomics
OHASHI, Hiroshi Industrial Organization; International Trade; Policy Analysis
SATO, Jin Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
SHIBAYAMA, Sotaro Science & technology policy
SHIGEOKA, Hitoshi Applied microeconomics (Health Economics in particular)
SHIROYAMA, Hideaki International public administration, Science, Technology and Public Policy
SUZUKI, Kazuto International Political Economy, Science and Technology Policy
TAKASAKI, Yoshito Development Economics; Resource Economics; Applied Microeconometrics; Field Experiment
UEDA, Kenichi Financial economics, Economic Growth, International Finance
WATANABE, Yasutora Empirical Microeconomics (Industrial Organization, Political Economics, Law and Economics), Quantitative Marketing


*The admissions information has been moved to the webpage below.

Doctoral Course & Graduate Research Students Program

Contact Information

PhD Desk, Graduate School of Public Policy
University of Tokyo