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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Immigration procedure

Certificate of Eligibility

In order to obtain a student visa, you need to apply for a “Certificate of Eligibility”. You will find the application and more information in admission package which you will receive around May for new students admitted to the university in September, or around October for students admitted to the university in April. GraSPP will apply for this certificate on your behalf.

You need to prepare:

  1. Application for Certificate of Eligibility
  2. Documents to prove financial support during the program, such as Balance Statement from your bank, certificate of money remittance, or a receipt/proof of financial aid
  3. Three photos of yourself (4cm x 3cm in size, taken within 6 months)
    *please print your name on the back of each photo.
  4. Photocopy of your passport (inside cover, portrait page)

Student visas

The International Student Adviser will send you the Certificate of Eligibility to you as soon as it is issued. Please complete the student visa application at the Japanese Embassy in your home county.

You will need:

  1. Passport
  2. Visa application form
  3. Photos of yourself
  4. Certificate of eligibility
  5. Documents other than the above may also be required