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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPP response to Misconduct in Research

The University of Tokyo’s Code of Conduct for Research defines the following three acts as research misconduct.

Fabrication: Making up non-existing data or any other research results. Falsification: Manipulating, changing or omitting data or any other research results obtained from the research activity such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record. Plagiarism: Appropriating another person’s ideas, analysis/analytical processes, data, research results, manuscripts or words without permission from the person(s) concerned or without giving appropriate credit.

”The Code of Conduct for Research” does not mention, however the following case is also regarded as academic dishonesty.

A course instructor gives group assignments/projects in a class and students make out one report. A student happens to cite this research outcome without permission from other students and/or not to clearly cite sources. Texts in a report submitted to another university were cited by the submitter himself to the paper submitted to GraSPP without appropriate citation. [Self-plagiarism]

If GraSPP confirms acts against academic integrity after careful fact-checking not only in dissertations and research papers, but also in class assignments and/or reports, we take strict measures against students who commit acts of dishonesty. In case you find a suspicious case in GraSPP students’ research outcomes, please consult respective course instructors.

GraSPP Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers (PDF, 124KB) *established in January, 2021

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