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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Master of Public Policy, International Program (MPP/IP)

*Click the image for MPP/IP website

Master of Public Policy, International Program (MPP/IP) strives to cultivate future professionals who will be successful on the global scale with a global perspective.

Students are required to take courses conducted in English. The requirement of studying in English provides a rigorous environment where prominent Japanese and International students can study together and academically challenge one another.

The program’s internationally competitive curriculum is bolstered with an academic environment unique to Japan. In addition, the option of enrolling in a Double Degree Program provides students with the opportunity of pursuing a degree at both the University of Tokyo and other world-class Graduate Schools. MPP/IP provides an environment where students can broaden their horizon through the Double Degree Program or through courses that address Asia-specific issues. With scholarship opportunities provided by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, students from abroad, especially from the Asian region, can receive financial support.