特任教授 / Project Professor 有馬 純ARIMA, Jun
Graduate School of Public Policy

Courses in AY 2024
- 5123021 環境政策
- 5123250 エネルギー政策
- 5123032-1 Energy Security
- 5140700-2 Case Study (International Energy Governance)
- 5179010-1 International Practical Research(Energy Security)
Education & Employment
University of Tokyo (Bachelor of Economics)
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
First Secretary Embassy of Japan in Kenya
Counselor, Permanent Delegation of Japan to the OECD
Head, Country Studies Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Director General, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) London Office
Head, Country Studies Division International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris
Director, Intrernational Affairs Division, ANRE/METI
Director, International Energy Negotiation, ANRE/METI
Deputy Director General, Global Environmental Affairs METI
Director General, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) London
Research Fields
Energy Policy
Environment Policy
Environment Policy
Visiting Professor, International University,
Senior Policy Fellor Economic Reserach Insitute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA),
Project Leader, the 21st Century Public Policy,
Distinguished Senior Research Fellow, the Asia Pacific Institute of Research (APIR),
Visiting Researcher, Institute of Energy Economics of Japan (IEEJ)
Consulting Fellow, the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI),
Council Member German Japan Energy Transformation Coucil (GJETC)
Major Publications
Energy Policy of the IEA Countries (2003 Edition IEA) (Supervised and wrote “Executive Summary” and “Energy Market Trends)
Energy Policy of the IEA Countries (2004 Edition IEA) (Supervised and wrote “Executive Summary”, ”Energy Market Trends” and “In-depth Reviews in the Past 40 Years”)
Energy Policy of the IEA Countries (2005 Edition IEA) (Supervised and wrote “Executive Summary”, “2005 IEA Ministerial and G8 Gleneagles Summit”, “Cross-Country Overview” and “Energy Market Trends”)
Energy Policy of the IEA Countries (2006 Edition IEA) (Supervised)
Energy Security in Europe – Outlook, Challenges and Policies – (a part of “Asia and Europe – Cooperating for Energy Security”) (2003 IFRI)
Memoir on UN Negotiation related to the Kyoto Protocol (in Japanese) (2014 International Environment and Economy Institute)
Truth of Global Warming Negotiation – Economic War on National Interests- (in Japanese) (2015 Chuo Koron Shinsha)
Global Warming Prevention Measures with Pragmatism – Paris Agreement and Thereafter (in Japanese) (2016 Energy Forum)
Trump Risk - America First and Global Warming (in Japanese) (2017 Energy Forum)
Energy Policy of the IEA Countries (2004 Edition IEA) (Supervised and wrote “Executive Summary”, ”Energy Market Trends” and “In-depth Reviews in the Past 40 Years”)
Energy Policy of the IEA Countries (2005 Edition IEA) (Supervised and wrote “Executive Summary”, “2005 IEA Ministerial and G8 Gleneagles Summit”, “Cross-Country Overview” and “Energy Market Trends”)
Energy Policy of the IEA Countries (2006 Edition IEA) (Supervised)
Energy Security in Europe – Outlook, Challenges and Policies – (a part of “Asia and Europe – Cooperating for Energy Security”) (2003 IFRI)
Memoir on UN Negotiation related to the Kyoto Protocol (in Japanese) (2014 International Environment and Economy Institute)
Truth of Global Warming Negotiation – Economic War on National Interests- (in Japanese) (2015 Chuo Koron Shinsha)
Global Warming Prevention Measures with Pragmatism – Paris Agreement and Thereafter (in Japanese) (2016 Energy Forum)
Trump Risk - America First and Global Warming (in Japanese) (2017 Energy Forum)