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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo


教授 / Professor VANDE WALLE, SimonVANDE WALLE, Simon

Courses in AY 2024

  • 5121020 Competition Law and Policy
  • 5121022 Big Tech and competition law: how has competition law dealt with GAFA?

Education & Employment

University of Tokyo, Gradudate Schools for Law and Politics, Professor
European Commission, DG Competition, Case handler
University of Tokyo, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Kyushu University, Doctor of Laws
Linklaters LLP, Brussels, Associate / Managing Associate
Georgetown University Law Center, LL.M.
Kyushu University, LL.M.
KU Leuven (Leuven Catholic University), Master of Laws
KU Leuven (Leuven Catholic University), Bachelor of Laws

Research Fields

Competition law

Major Publications

Private Antitrust Litigation in the European Union and Japan – A Comparative Perspective, 356 pp. (Maklu Publishers, 2013).
*Articles and book chapters*
Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in Belgium and the Netherlands – Is There a Race to Attract Antitrust Damages Actions?, in Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law – The Impact of the Damages Directive, 118-148 (Pier Luigi Parcu, Giorgio Monti, Marco Botta eds., Edward Elgar, 2018).
(with Carles Esteva Mosso), EU Merger Control: How to Remove Anticompetitive Effects?, in Remedies in EU Competition Law: Substance, Process and Policy, 41-52 (Damien Gerard & Assimakis Komninos eds., Wolters Kluwer, September 2020).
(with Tadashi Shiraishi), Competition Law in Japan, in Comparative Competition Law, 415-442 (Arlen Duke, John Duns, Brendan Sweeney eds., Edward Elgar, 2015).
What Keeps Plaintiffs away from the Court? An Analysis of Antitrust Litigation in Japan, Europe and the US, in The Changing Role of Law in Japan – Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making, 209-228 (Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Jeroen Maesschalck, David Nelken & Stephan Parmentier eds., Edward Elgar, 2014).
Competition and Competition Law in Japan: Between Skepticism And Embrace, in Asian Capitalism and the Regulation of Competition, 123-143 (Michael W. Dowdle, John S. Gillespie & Imelda Maher eds., Cambridge University Press, 2013).
The Saitama Saturday Club Case: Political Meddling, Public Opinion and Antitrust Enforcement in Japan at a Turning Point, in Landmark Competition Law Cases - Around the World in Fourteen Stories, 183-202 (Barry Rodger ed., Kluwer Law International, 2013).
Collective Actions by Indirect Purchasers: Lessons from the Japanese Oil Cartel Cases, in Collective Actions: Enhancing Access to Justice and Reconciling Multilayer Interests?, 299-338 (Stefan Wrbka, Steven Van Uytsel & Mathias Siems eds., Cambridge University Press, 2012).
Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in Japan: An Empirical Analysis, 8 Competition Law Review 7-28 (2012).
Deterrence of Antitrust Violations: Do Actions for Damages Matter in Japan?, 2 Asian Journal of Law and Economics, Issue 4, 1-15 (2011).
See personal website for a full list of publications: