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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

NOTICE: Conducting the Safety Confirmation Drill / 【事務連絡】災害時安否確認サービスの利用訓練の実施について October 2, 2017

The safety confirmation drill will be conducted as follows.

日時: Wedensday, 4th October, 2017
* An email will be sent out to the registered email address.
* Please report your situation as specified in the email.
    Confirmation of spam settings

    Please allow reception of all the following mails.

    ・ server’s domain (Secondary server’s domain)
    ・Mail with URL attachment

Please note that the confirmation mail will be sent to the email address registered on the UTAS from the Safety Confirmation Service <> .
If you cannot get the mail, the mail may be classified as spam. Please check your spam holder.

Thank you for your cooperation.
The GraSPP Graduate School Office (