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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

The 6th International Event Planning Contest and 2nd Go Global Center Photo Contest / 第6回国際交流イベント企画コンテスト・第2回Go Globalセンターフォトコンテスト September 17, 2019

The 6th International Event Planning Contest and 2nd Go Global Center Photo Contest

A large number of international students and researchers are attending UTokyo from all over the world. UTokyo would like all students here to take advantage of this environment and experience exchanges with UTokyo members of different nationality, gender, age, language, culture and faith etc. to their own. To gear up the exchanges on campus, International Education Support Office of Global Campus Initiatives holds the a) Event Planning Contest and b) Photo Contest. You can apply for both or either of the contests.

a) 6th Event Planning Contest
International Education Support Office of The Division of Global Campus Initiatives provides funding for the events up to a budget of around JPY 300,000 (the current proposed funding limit) to the applicants to organize and hold the events by the end of July 2020.
-Application Deadline: October 24 (Thu)
-Application Details:
-Announcement: in late November

b) 2nd Go Global Center Photo Contest
Selected pictures will be awarded and exhibited at Go Global Center, Hongo Campus.
-Topics: [A Day in UTokyo]・[My Favorite “Nippon”]・[Go Global!]
-Application Deadline: October 14 (Mon/National Holiday)
-Announcement: in late November
-Application Details:
-Note: You can apply for multiple topics. 1 picture/topic, pictures taken with a smartphone are also welcome.
-Inquiries: International Support Group < ggc.adm[at-mark]