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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the autumn semester AY2019 / 授業料預金口座振替手続きをされている皆さんへ September 26, 2019

NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the autumn semester AY2019

1. Withdrawal from a bank account

The tuition for the autumn semester AY2018 will be withdrawn from your bank account on Wednesday, 27 November. Please be sure to credit enough money to your account by Tuesday, 26 November.

The amount of the tuition for the autumn semester AY2019 is as follows.

Graduate students (Professional Masters programs): 267,900 yen
Graduate students (Ph.D. programs): 260,400 yen

2. Applicants for tuition exemption

If you receive an exemption for half the amount or do not get an exemption, the payment due date will be announced at the beginning of December through UTAS or UTokyo website. After you check the notice, please credit your account with the corresponding amount by the due date.

3. Issuing a receipt

If you would like to issue a tuition receipt, you can apply for it online through UTAS. For more details, please refer the UTAS manual for graduate students which is available on UTAS. Please be noted that receipts will only be issued after Thursday, 5 December.

*When you access to UTAS, your UTokyo account’s ID and password are required.