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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Study Abroad: Call for Application “UC Programs 2021” / UC派遣プログラム2021参加学生の募集 August 4, 2021

Deadlines/Event Dates August 31, 2021

Study Abroad: Call for Application “UC Programs 2021”

UC Programs application guideline has been announced on the Go Global website.
Those who wish to apply for this program should read the application guidelines carefully and submit necessary documents directly to the International Exchange Group through UTAS.
The application period is from NOON on Thurdsday, 5 August to NOON on Tuesday, 31 August.


  • Before application, please consult the GraSPP Graduate School Office via e-mail at<ppin.j[at]> to be fully aware of potential academic affairs you need to know.
  • Please note that UTAS does not accept applications for any reason after the deadline.