GPPN Student Conference, Tokyo 2013 Report by Eimi Yamamitsu2014年01月11日(土)
1. A short Summary of the GPPN Student Conference, such as dates, number of student participation, participation schools, and Student Conference program outline
The Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) Student Conference was held on December 7 and 8, 2013. GraSPP is part of the GPPN partnership between: Columbia University, FGV-EAESP, Hertie School of Governance, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Institute of Public Affairs at LSE and Sciences Po, Paris. The GPPN Student Conference this year explored “Public Policy for 2020: Medium-Term Agenda for a Better Vision”. A total of 72 students and many more gathered to address and identify the ideal policy instruments necessary to solve the following sub-themes:
1. How do we balance national interests with economic integration?
2. How to formulate policy for international security and peaceful resolution of international conflicts
3.What are the roles and responsibilities of public institutions in times of crisis?
Throughout the program, both the faculty and the participants had the opportunity to envisage potential challenges and pitfalls of policy implements that may appear by the year 2020. The first day of the conference started with the impassioned keynote address by Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda (Governor of the Bank of Japan) on the topic of “Public Policy Research and Monetary Policy Conduct”, followed by the Deans’ Roundtable and the Practitioners’ Roundtable. The deans stressed the actions and challenges that need to be taken into consideration today to achieve the visions we have for 2020. The keynote speech as well as the roundtables provoked lively discussion with questions raised many by the students.
On the second day, enthusiastic atmosphere filled the air at the conference as ideas and opinions flew back and forth during Students’ Policy Challenge and Student Presentations. Students’ Policy Challenge consisted of impromptu presentations whereby students were divided into groups to challenge each other and come up with the most feasible policy for crisis management— specifically in the case of Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. This was a great chance for students to reflect on the notions that were mentioned by several of the practitioners on the first day.
2. Introductions and Report of Admin Division
The Administration Division of the GPPN Student Conference 2013 Organizing Committee was responsible for recruiting committee members and general management before and during the Conference. The division made sure that all divisions function smoothly.
3. Personal reflection on GPPN Student Conference
The organizing committee started from scratch during the summer of 2013. It was the first time for GraSPP to host a big-scale student conference, and prior to the conference, truth be told, I was anxious of how it will turn out to be. As the conference day has arrived, my worries proved to be wrong.
It was energizing even as a committee member to witness public policy students, professors, and practitioners coming together to share and exchange knowledge, experiences and insight. Although we had very limited time, spending two days with people in the same field was truly an inspiration to be passionate about what you are studying. I was able to reflect and think about the necessity of bringing policy research and practice into conversation. A highlight aside from the conference was the friendships with the committee members and the participants I have created during and after the conference. I sincerely hope participants from other schools enjoyed their stay here in Tokyo.
Taken as a whole, I believe that the GPPN Student Conference was fruitful for the participants as well as the committee members. It was a privilege for me to work with members from Academics, Communications, Logistics and Public Relations divisions who all contributed greatly to the conference despite our tight academic schedule. In addition, the professors and the staffs at GraSPP International Affairs Office have given us so much support throughout the preparation. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all who have helped and contributed to realizing the GPPN Student Conference at the University of Tokyo.