教授 / Professor 飯塚 敏晃IIZUKA, Toshiaki
Graduate School of Economics
Courses in AY 2024
- 5113016 Microeconomics for Public Policy
- 5113017 Practice Session for Microeconomics for Public Policy
- 5140301 事例研究(医療政策・問題分析)
- 5140331 事例研究(医療政策・解決策分析)
Research Fields
Health Economics, Industrial Organization
Major Publications
"Physician Agency and Adoption of Generic Pharmaceuticals," American Economic Review, 2012, 102(6): 2826-2858.
"Experts’ Agency Problems: Evidence from the Prescription Drug Market in Japan," RAND Journal of Economics, 2007, 38(3), pp. 844-862.
"The Effect of Prescription Drug Advertising on Doctor Visits," (with Ginger Zhe Jin), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2005, 14(3), pp.701-727.
"Patient Cost Sharing and Medical Expenditures for the Elderly" (with K. Fukushima, S. Mizuoka, and S. Yamamoto), Journal of Health Economics, 2016, 45: 115-130.
"Experts’ Agency Problems: Evidence from the Prescription Drug Market in Japan," RAND Journal of Economics, 2007, 38(3), pp. 844-862.
"The Effect of Prescription Drug Advertising on Doctor Visits," (with Ginger Zhe Jin), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2005, 14(3), pp.701-727.
"Patient Cost Sharing and Medical Expenditures for the Elderly" (with K. Fukushima, S. Mizuoka, and S. Yamamoto), Journal of Health Economics, 2016, 45: 115-130.