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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

KANEMOTO, Yoshitsugu

非常勤講師 / Visiting Lecturer 金本 良嗣KANEMOTO, Yoshitsugu

Courses in AY 2024

  • 5123252 電力ネットワークの経済学
  • 5130310 電力ネットワーク政策

Education & Employment

Research Fields

Urban economics, Public economics, Transportation economics, Electricity market

Major Publications

Kanemoto, Y., Theories of Urban Externalities, North-Holland, (1980).

Kanemoto, Y., "Congestion and Cost-Benefit Analysis in Cities," Journal of Urban Economics 2, 246-264, (1975).
Kanemoto, Y., "Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Second-Best Land Use for Transportation," Journal of Urban Economics 4, 483-503, (1977).
Kanemoto, Y., "Externality, Migration and Urban Crises," Journal of Urban Economics 8, 150-164, (1980).
Kanemoto, Y., "Pricing and Investment Policies in the System of Competitive Commuter Railways," Review of Economic Studies 51, 665-681, (1984).
Kanemoto, Y., "Asymmetric Information in the Credit Market and Discount Rates for Public Investment," Journal of Public Economics 34, 291-309, (1987).
Kanemoto, Y., "Hedonic Prices and the Benefits of Public Projects," Econometrica 56, 981-989, (1988).
Kanemoto, Y. and W. B. MacLeod, "The Ratchet Effect and the Market for Second-Hand Workers," Journal of Labor Economics 10, No.1, 85-98, (1992).
Kanemoto, Y. and W. B. MacLeod, "Firm Reputation and Self-Enforcing Labor Contracts," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 1, 144-162, (1992).
Kanemoto, Y. and K. Kiyono, "Regulation of Commuter Railways and Spatial Development," Regional Science and Urban Economics 25, 377-394, (1995).
Kanemoto, Y., T. Kitagawa, H. Saito, and E. Shioji, (2005), "Estimating Urban Agglomeration Economies for Japanese Metropolitan Areas: Is Tokyo Too Large?" GIS-Based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Edited by A. Okabe. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 229-241.
Kanemoto, Y., (2006), "Urban Transport Economic Theory," A Companion to Urban Economics, Edited by Richard J. Arnott and Daniel P. McMillen, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 245-260.
Kanemoto, Y., (2011), "Surplus Theory," A Handbook of Transport Economics, Edited by A. de Palma, R. Lindsey, E. Quinet, and R. Vickerman, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham Glos, UK, 479 - 499.
Kanemoto, Y., (2013), “Second-best cost-benefit analysis in monopolistic competition models of urban agglomeration,” Journal of Urban Economics 76, 83?92. (
Behrens, K, Kanemoto, Y., and Murata, Y., (2015), “The Henry George Theorem in a second-best world,” Journal of Urban Economics 85, 34-51. (