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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

KAWATA, Keiske

准教授 / Associate Professor 川田 恵介KAWATA, Keiske

Institute of Social Science

Courses in AY 2024

  • 5123475 機械学習の実証経済学への応用

Research Fields

Applied Microeconomics

Major Publications

"The orphan impact: HIV-AIDS and student test scores from sub-Saharan Africa". (with Ben Blevins), Educational Review, forthcoming.
"Gender-based differences in employment opportunity and wage distribution in urban and rural areas in Nepal". (with Yuki Yamamoto, Ken'ichi Matsumoto, Shinji Kaneko), Journal of Asian Economics, 64, 101131, 2019.
"Impacts of pecuniary and non-pecuniary information on pro-environmental behavior: A household waste collection and disposal program in Surabaya city". (with Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, Shinji Kaneko), Waste Management, 89, 322-335, 2019.
"Potential demand for voluntary community-based health insurance improvement in rural Lao People's Democratic Republic: A randomized conjoint experiment". (with T. Sydavong, D Goto, K Kaneko, M Ichihashi), PlOS ONE, 14(1): e0210355, 2019.
"Impact of Low-cost Carriers on International Air Passenger Movements to and from Major Airports in Asia". (with V. Bilotkach, T.S. Kim, J. Park, P. Purwandono, and Y. Yoshida), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62, 28-57, 2019.