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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo


准教授 / Associate Professor LAWSON, CarolLAWSON, Carol

Graduate Schools for Law and Politics

Courses in AY 2024

  • 5111210 Introduction to Japanese Law

Research Fields

Japanese and Anglo-American law

I work on criminal justice regulation. My approach is a comparative sociolegal lens, and I use mixed methods to carry out empirical research. I am currently working on three projects related to the challenges and new opportunities facing Japan's Volunteer Probation Officer service, particularly in the Digital Age, and have recently completed a study on the nature and impact of civil oversight in prisons in Japan and Australia. Two perennial insights are firstly, the importance of Japan's role as a testing site for western legal ideas that are regarded or promoted as being universally applicable, and secondly, the importance of developing a granular understanding of a regulatory system, especially of the needs and perspectives of the people who animate it, before attempting a regulatory intervention.
I teach courses in Japanese law and Anglo-American law, coach in the Tokyo Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition, and serve on the Japan Law Translation Council and as an expert adviser to the Japanese legal translation community, including on plain legal language.

Major Publications

My publications and grants are listed at