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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo


教授 / Professor 谷口 将紀TANIGUCHI, Masaki

Courses in AY 2024

  • 5112010 政治学
  • 5112170 現代日本政治
  • 5140217 事例研究(政治とマスメディアⅠ)
  • 5140218 事例研究(政治とマスメディアⅡ)
  • 5122390-2 現代日本政治論演習

Education & Employment

博士(法学) 東京大学
東京大学助手 大学院法学政治学研究科
Associate Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo
東京大学准教授 大学院法学政治学研究科
Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo
東京大学教授・副院長 公共政策大学院

Research Fields

Japanese Politics

Major Publications

“Detecting Voter Understanding of Ideological Labels Using a Conjoint Experiment” Political Behavior, forthcoming. (Co-authored with Miwa Hirofumi and Arami Reiko)
"Predictable Crises Shape Public Opinion: Evidence from the COVID-19 Natural Experiment" (co-authored with Takaaki Asano, Tomoki Kaneko, Shoko Omori, and Shusuke Takamiya), Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31(S1): 311-320.
"Heterogeneity in Voter Perceptions of Party Competition in Multidimensional Space: Evidence from Japan" (co-authored with Miwa Hirofumi), International Political Science Review, 38(5) (November, 2017), pp.673-689.
"The Multi-Store Model for Economic Voting: Rome Wasn't Built in a Day," Electoral Studies 41(1) (March, 2016), pp.179-189.
"The Electoral Consequences of Candidate Appearances on Soft News Programs," Political Communication 28(1) (March, 2011), pp.67-86.
"Changing Media, Changing Politics in Japan," Japanese Journal of Political Science 8(1) (April, 2007), pp.147-166.
"A Time Machine: New Evidence of Post-Materialist Value Change," International Political Science Review 27(4) (October, 2006), pp.405-425.