GraSPP taught me the way to connect economic theories to the real world 2022.10.6 | Yun Gao from China Student Voice Doctoral Program
Invaluable experiences help me to grow as an economic policy professional 2022.2.2 | Soyoung Kim from South Korea Student Voice Doctoral Program
Being back to GraSPP as a PhD student 2020.6.17 | Lee Shinae from South Korea Student Voice Doctoral Program
Student Interview No.32(from Newsletter No.56) 2020.6.17 | Kotaro Shiojiri from Japan Student Voice Doctoral Program
Student Interview No. 30 (from Newsletter No. 54) 2019.7.19 | Zakirov Bekzod from Uzbekistan Student Voice Doctoral Program
The right balance between academic excellence and career development 2019.4.23 | Quentin Verspieren from France Student Voice Doctoral Program
Journey from Masters to PhD in GraSPP 2019.4.15 | Somnath Sharma from India Student Voice Doctoral Program