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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

GraSPP-SIPA double degree program

Kaori Yoshida (from Japan)

Entering GraSPP opened the door for me to pursue a double degree with SIPA, granting me the opportunity to partake in two very unique programs. The GraSPP-SIPA double degree program allowed me to spend a challenging yet fulfilling two years of graduate school life.Kaori2

The MPP/IP at GraSPP offers a community of diverse and experienced practitioners from various fields of public policy as well as a tight-knit community of fellow students with impressive professional backgrounds. The relatively small number of students in the MPP/IP helps to create strong networks within the student body and between the faculty and students – building a community conducive to teambuilding and cooperative learning.

In my experience, being in Tokyo and New York, two of the most exciting cities in the world, provided a sea of opportunities. Whilst at GraSPP, I interned at the US Embassy in Tokyo, and at SIPA, I took part in a research project in Cambodia and had countless opportunities to work with professionals at the United Nations Headquarters.  

Kaori1The two years at my graduate schools went by in a flash – there were always new challenges, new topics of interest, and inspiring people to meet and learn from. I am immensely grateful for the knowledge gained, friendships built, and the networks developed throughout these two years, and will certainly treasure them throughout my professional life.