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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

GraSPP and Sciences Po Double Degree Program

Koji Inoue (from Japan)

     I got the opportunity to study in Sciences Po as a Double Degree student, and took some courses with regular students there for a year. Economic Policy concentration, in which I was enrolled in, offers economic policy courses with the global aspect. In Sciences Po, almost all of courses requires presentations and research paper which make us understand the topics better. The class that I was impressed the most was about education policy making. I made a presentation and research paper on the education policy of the Netherlands with group members. In this class, I researched the education policies of some countries and used the knowledge of statistics and econometrics which are necessary for policy makers.

     In addition, not just an academic experience, I have enjoyed travelling around France and in other countries nearby with my friends. Also, 2017 was an important year for France because of the presidential election. It was interesting that I got to discuss the French presidential election with Sciences Po students.

     It was fortunate that I was able to study in Sciences Po as a double degree student, and I am really thankful for those who supported me for this program. This new system in double degree program with Sciences Po has started in 2016 and it is open to students from all over the world. I was also fortunate to be a part of the first cohort and spend great times with them. In the end, for those who are going to Sciences Po, I recommend you to practice French as much as possibly you can. After all, enjoy your study in France.