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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

Benefits of life in GraSPP

Gu Baozhi (from China) Class of 2014

The twoyears of student life at GraSPP has proven to be one of the most unforgettable experiences in my life.
According to my own experience, life in GraSPP can guarantee students the following major benefits.
Firstly, you can get a balanced training in the field of economics, law and diplomacy, both academically and professionally. GraSPP’s qualified faculty offers a wide range of courses effectively serving the need of students with different backgrounds.
Secondly, you can build up a social network that consists of people from all walks of life and places of the world. You naturally interact with people grown up in different cultures, encounter fresh ways of thinking, and broaden your horizons.
Thirdly, you can learn the successful story of the Japanese economy as well as the lessons of the Lost Decades.
This is of special importance to the students from developing countries.
Needless to say, you can fully immerse yourself in the unique Japanese culture and beautiful sceneries.
After graduation, I am very grateful whenever I
employ in my work what I have learned and acquired from GraSPP. I highly recommend GraSPP to the coming candidates for their promising futures.