Before the beginning of the semester
I have always been interested in cultural exchange and intellectual discussion with people of various backgrounds, and the CAMPUS Asia program (CAP) was the best program to find both of them. As I already befriended students from the University of Tokyo during my stay with them in Beijing, I really looked forward to visiting Tokyo and having my life there for an exchange semester. The administration and program officers were very kind and helpful throughout the process of registration and preparation for the new semester. I applied for a dorm room, received the required documents for a visa, and packed myself with necessities with the help of the officers.
Taking the online courses
Then came COVID-19, however, and I could not visit Tokyo in person due to the travel restrictions and the concerns of my family. Instead, I started attending online courses. I felt sad about not being able to travel around Tokyo and other cities in Japan and to see my friends in Tokyo. It was a little frustrating to figure out how to register for the courses online and how to go through the administration process online, as I cannot receive personal advice from the advisers, officers, and fellow students. Nevertheless, all CAP students could finally and successfully go through all the processes with timely assistance and email replies from the advisers and officers. I sincerely appreciate such help. While some may be skeptical about the efficiency and effectiveness of online courses, I could learn and practice the course materials and contents as much as I would have taken offline courses. The online Zoom platform was very proper to use for lectures, presentations, and discussions. Both professors and students were very passionate about making the best out of the situation and utilized the Zoom platform, materials, and other devices to process lectures, presentations, discussions, team meetings, and even written exams. I was really surprised at how the econometrics exam could be held online with students actively participating in the exam session and uploading their scanned answers, while the professor and assistants readily evaluated and provided feedback. Also, I was very touched by all the passionate students across the world actively and sincerely participating in the team meetings for group presentations. I was very proud to have and share such experiences with competitive and passionate members in CAP, and the University of Tokyo.
After the end of the semester
As a final remark, I sincerely appreciated all the experiences through online coursework this semester, with the help of and interactions with passionate people. Although we could not meet in person this semester, I felt all students from CAP and the University of Tokyo were very passionate about actively exchanging our experiences and ideas. I only regret that I could not enjoy the full CAP experience this semester but that was only due to COVID-19. In this sense, I would appreciate more invitations from CAP to further discussions and activities even after this semester, and after the end of COVID-19. I feel that many other students with whom I had classes, discussions, and group projects would share the same feeling with me. I hope CAP can have further discussion sessions and projects in the future and would like to join those. I thank all the officers, professors, and classmates for their kind guidance and assistance throughout the program.