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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

Deepening cross-cultural understanding

Hui Coco Mao (from China)

Time flies. I still remember that, in the first official email from Nana san, CAMPUS Asia coordinator, she said “Cherry blossoms are already in bloom in Tokyo, and the new semester is just around the corner.” Upon receiving this, what I knew was that I should be packed for my new journey. What I did not know was how amazing this journey would go, and it was definitely far beyond my wildest imagination.

Diversity and Inclusion. This is the name of one of my favorite courses, delivered by Professor MAEDA Kentaro. I am using the name as a perfect description of my impression of GraSPP. MAEDA Sensei is extremely hilarious and smart, always encouraging diversified voices during class, and offers a lot of insights into our academic research as well as life. All the classmates are concerned about the minorities, who are neglected, invisible, or discriminated against, trying to provide ideas that could make this fast-paced world better off for the ones who are not going fast enough. Thinking of the future of this world lying in the hands of such a group of youngsters, who showed a strong sense of responsibility and leadership, I can confidently say that I am optimistic about the future of human beings.

Theory and Practice. GraSPP’s design of courses emphasizes student’s ability in both theory and practice, which is very inspiring for students like me who went all the way up to postgraduate. In another course called International Field Workshop, after application and screening, I was lucky to be one of the 6-people group led by Professor NISHIZAWA Toshiro. We went to international organizations and unicorns in China, Thailand, and the Philippines. Communicating with entrepreneurs, experienced practicians, and my coolest Senpai teammates enabled me to truly see that the work has been carried out in progress by many brightest minds in the Asia-Pacific region.

I came to realize, that entrepreneurship and leadership could be conducted in our home, school, and community. And how? Be focused and obsessed, ambitious and humble. Be a constructive problem-solver for this ever-changing world and a positive contributor to deepening cross-cultural understanding. As long as we stay inspired, involved, and connected, we can make a difference, and then entrepreneurship is wherever we are.

Friendliness and Caring. I was always deeply impressed by how talented and friendly my schoolmates were, and how diligent and precise the staff members were, and I really appreciate everyone’s hard work, who contributed to every single piece of my perfect journey. I am also heartfelt grateful that CAP gave me lifelong friends from Japan and Korea, they are the most precious ones to me. During the CAP field trip to Hiroshima, I was indulged in the history, thanks to our guide, a knowledgeable and caring lady who used to be an English teacher before retirement; in the breath-taking scenery, magically calming me down in this exhausting graduation season; in the struggling spirit of local people and enterprises represented by Mazda, where I see this line “照一隅者是国士(一隅を照らす者、是国士なり, He/She who illuminate one corner is the national treasure, by 東洋工業(現マツダ)の2代目社長、松田恒次(18951970as my 座右の銘 (life motto) now. This is just one example of hundreds of times when I was touched by some either time-honored or creative expressions in many places in Japan.

As a classic literature lover, I cannot describe how excited I was every time I saw them. I guess, the bonds of Chinese characters (Kanji) have already laid deeply in our blood, civilization, and subconsciousness. Just like CJK, we are different, yet we are not that different; issues did occur in history, but it won’t stop us from working hard for a cooperative and benevolent future ahead. Be focused and obsessed, ambitious and humble. Be a constructive problem-solver for this ever-changing world and a positive contributor to deepening cross-cultural understanding.

どうもありがとう, CAMPUS Asia Program, you are the best choice I have ever made for my postgraduate life.

頑張ってください, CAPers! As long as we stay passionate, involved, and connected, we can make a difference, and then 国士 is wherever we are.

With my host family, Yoshida san, Coco second right

  Opening ceremony of UTokyo 2019, Coco second right

With my host family, Yoshida san, Coco second right

IFW course in ADB HQ, Coco first left

   CAPers in Tokyo DisneySea