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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

Music Securities, Winter 2020

Juan Miguel Peraza Hernandez

During winter 2020 I was selected to be an intern at Music Securities Inc., one of the leading companies and innovators in the crowdfunding and securities market at the beginning of the century. I had the privilege to collaborate actively for two months, which was enriching and revealing in different aspects of my professional and personal life in this country.

During my first day, I was warmly received by Music Securities’ staff. They explained the main activities and different sectors the company is involved in alongside how the financial instruments they provide work. Subsequently, I was presented in front of the whole team and the board of directors, who gladly offered me their help, assistance and guidance during these two months. Due to the company’s dynamic nature, I was quickly designated to the sales team, allowing me not only to collaborate, but also to be fully involved in one of their projects.

My superiors were glad to share their expertise with me, allowing me to interact with most of the departments of the company, while providing me with the knowledge to develop a full proposal. The project consisted of developing a draft for a proposal to compete for funds in the USAID/IDB Lab initiative “BetterTogether Challenge,” which aims to support the millions of refugees who have fled Venezuela in recent years due to the severe economic decline and political constraints.

I received the guidelines to elaborate the proposal and the vision the company aimed to achieve: Fusing blockchain and music as a mechanism to level up the income of hundreds of displaced musicians from Venezuela and as a support for the heavily eroded morale for their refugee community. Through weeks of development and assistance from the sales team, we completed the preliminary draft upon which the final proposal will be based.

However, current times provided harsher conditions due to the spread of today’s pandemic, and further activities were suddenly halted two weeks early. Fortunately, I was able to still participate and interact with a variety of departments within the company, including the legal team, analyzing and translating reforms and decrees in Peru; the web design team, developing new ideas and offering feedback on current content; and most importantly the sales team, who I worked together with to develop the initial steps of a project aimed to improve the conditions of a vulnerable sector in Latin America.

Being an intern in Music Securities allowed me to understand the nature of the crowdfunding sector in Japan, and I experienced firsthand how it is to be involved in it. As my first time being an intern, I am really thankful for the opportunity it provided me to improve my knowledge and abilities in fields and topics such as: the refugee crisis, the development of proposals for public grants, and the complex nature of social issues in the developing world and how to address them. I value this opportunity as an eye-opening experience for my professional future.