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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

Gaining Global Insights at GraSPP

Raphael Cheung Yiu Kwan (from Singapore)

What was your purpose in enrolling in GraSPP?

After spending a decade in the public and private sectors, I sought to further my professional development. As a business school graduate, I saw policy studies as a suitable channel to expand my expertise and prepare for a world that increasingly requires interdisciplinary solutions to problems. I was particularly keen on building my skills to contribute to sustainable development. Addressing global challenges while promoting economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental responsibility is something I aspire to do in the next stage of my career.

What was attractive or stimulating about GraSPP?

As one of the leading policy schools in Asia, GraSPP naturally emerged as a top priority for my graduate studies. The diverse yet rigorous curriculum and the opportunity to collaborate with policy professionals from across the globe were key factors that attracted me to GraSPP. When I was offered a scholarship by MEXT, I jumped at the opportunity to enroll. Indeed, it has been two years well spent.

Please share your memorable experiences/courses in GraSPP

In Brazil for GPPN

Perhaps my most valuable experience at GraSPP was participating in the annual conference of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) in São Paulo, Brazil. As one of the teams representing GraSPP, we had the opportunity to explore a contentious policy challenge in today’s divided societies and propose viable paths for consensus-building and evidence-based policy solutions. Learning from the diverse and creative policy solutions conceptualized by fellow professionals around the world has given me many insights and shaped me into a sharper policy professional.

Besides GPPN, I fondly remember learning about international organizations and their contributions towards sustainable development from Professor Hisashi Yoshikawa, Professor Roberto Orsi, Professor Daniel del Barrio Alvarez, and many esteemed guest speakers from global organizations. I appreciate their honesty about both the achievements and challenges in their work. I was also privileged to later assist them as a teaching assistant.

Visit to Renova’s Solar Power Plant

The courses at GraSPP are not limited to seminar room theory. Visiting Renova’s Solar Power Plant in Chiba with fellow learners from Public Policy and Energy under Professor Yoshikawa was another memorable experience. It was insightful to connect high-level energy policy to corporate implications and interests.

What is the advantage of studying in Japan?

Besides the opportunity for professional development, studying in Japan has been a wonderful experience for me and my family. My wife and I relish the opportunities to learn and experience Japanese culture and history.

Memorable visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

During vacation periods, we visited different scenic and historic sites around Japan. One memorable trip was to Hiroshima, where we visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Though it was a mere glimpse of Japanese history, it was a solemn yet unforgettable trip, and one I would recommend to any visitor to Japan.

What has GraSPP meant to your life?

My two years in Japan have been abundantly fruitful, and GraSPP has been a core part of this valuable experience. I am privileged to have gained many insights from my peers and professors, and I am certain this wisdom will prove useful in my career. Beyond the quality of learning, I will always treasure the friendships and connections made at GraSPP. Whether they are from Hawaii, France, or Indonesia, they are friends for a lifetime.

Message to the prospective students

Coming to GraSPP has been an exceptional experience that I will never regret. It is a place that will challenge you in many ways to develop and grow, and will reward you with many lessons for a lifetime.