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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

Blending practical insights with fresh, innovative approaches to public policy challenges

Santi Setiawati (from Indonesia)

What was your purpose in enrolling in GraSPP?

My academic, professional, and personal goals drove my primary motivation for enrolling in GraSPP. I was attracted to studying public policy in an internationally focused environment, enriched by the diverse perspectives of GraSPP’s international student body and faculty. Additionally, the chance to engage with professors experienced with international organizations appealed to me for the practical insights and networking opportunities they offer. Finally, the University of Tokyo’s prestige and rigorous academic standards assured me of a high-quality education that would enhance my professional credentials.

What was attractive or stimulating about GraSPP?

GraSPP, the youngest faculty at the University of Tokyo, brings a fresh, innovative approach to public policy education, making it a lively place to learn. Its strong focus on global perspectives prepares students for international issues. The curriculum’s integration of economics and law offers a comprehensive approach to public policy, equipping students to handle complex issues effectively. In addition, GraSPP’s internship opportunities provide essential practical experience and professional networking, complementing academic learning with real-world experience for a well-rounded education.

Please share your memorable experiences/courses in GraSPP

One particularly unique experience was navigating the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Our initial six months of face-to-face classes were suddenly interrupted, forcing us to adapt to new learning formats. Although this transition was difficult, it also fostered resilience and adaptability among students and faculty alike. The moments spent in the student lounge were also memorable. This space became a hub for collaboration, where I could enjoy lunch or sometimes dinner with peers and engage in stimulating discussions. The sense of community in these informal settings was invaluable, as it provided a supportive environment and helped build lasting friendships. 

Also, I had the opportunity to serve as a Teaching Assistant for two courses—Global Financial Regulation and Global Financial Policymaking. This role was incredibly enriching, allowing me to deepen my understanding of the subjects while also gaining valuable experience. Assisting professors and interacting with students from diverse backgrounds enhanced my communication skills and reinforced my passion for public policy.

What do you think are the advantages of studying in Japan?

Japan’s educational institutions are renowned for their high academic standards and research excellence. Studying in Japan allowed me to access world-class resources, learn from distinguished faculty, and engage in cutting-edge research. Studying in Japan offers advantages that go beyond academics. Japan provides a rich blend of traditional and modern experiences. Students can immerse themselves in Japan’s deep-rooted cultural heritage, including centuries-old traditions, festivals, and arts, while also experiencing cutting-edge technology and innovation for which the country is known. This blend provides a well-rounded perspective on both historical and contemporary aspects of Japanese society.

Living in Japan also offers a safe and clean environment, with an efficient public transportation system that makes exploring the country convenient. The experience of living in such a unique and organized society fosters independence and adaptability.

Did your career affect your school life at GraSPP?

Yes, my career did affect my school life at GraSPP to some extent. Working in the public sector for four years before joining GraSPP gave me a practical perspective on many aspects of public policy. This practical viewpoint influenced how I approached discussions and assignments. I appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students who were fresh graduates. Working with peers who brought different perspectives and theoretical knowledge helped broaden my viewpoints. This exchange of ideas was enriching, allowing me to blend practical insights with fresh, innovative approaches to public policy challenges.

What has GraSPP meant to your life?

GraSPP has been a turning point in my life. It has served as a crucial bridge to my international career. On a personal level, GraSPP has enriched my understanding of diverse cultures and perspectives. Interacting with a global cohort of students and faculty has broadened my worldview and enhanced my intercultural communication skills. The friendships and connections I have made at GrasPP are invaluable and have provided me with a supportive international network.

Advice to the students

Make the best of your time at GraSPP by embracing every learning opportunity. Interact closely with professors and peers to gain diverse insights. Utilize internships, international conferences, and research publications to enhance your journey. Lastly, have fun—learning thrives when it’s enjoyable 😊