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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

Developing theoretical knowledge of public policy as well as self-confidence at GraSPP

Shirajum Munira (from Bangladesh)

   Decided to deepen my monetary policy understanding

Before going to Japan to study public policy at GraSPP, I did my bachelor’s and master’s degree in Economics. Having majored in Economics, I gained some knowledge of public policy processes, which encouraged me to further explore this field and ultimately led me to work for the central Bangladesh Bank. While working at Bangladesh Bank, I got to know more about its role in the creation and implementation of monetary policy and had the privilege of issuing some of the routine monetary policy statements of Bangladesh Bank. From this, I decided I wanted to gather a deep understanding of public policy so that I could contribute more directly and effectively towards monetary policy creation, which is considered one of the main roles of a central bank. While applying for the Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Asia (JISPA), I chose the GraSPP at the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) because of my interest in public policy but, also because UTokyo is one of the highest-ranked and prestigious universities in the world.

Sharing knowledge with international students from various backgrounds

The most attractive aspect of GraSPP, in my view, is that it offers courses with a strategic combination of economics, law, politics, case studies, etc. Although I have knowledge of economic theories, here at GraSSP, I learned their practical applications which have helped me to apply those theories in practice. At GraSPP, students also enjoy the flexibility to choose subjects from other faculties in addition to those offered by GraSPP. The case studies, which are taught by renowned practitioners with extensive experience in relevant fields, helped me to develop an in-depth understanding of the policy formulation and implementation processes. This includes considering additional aspects of policy, such as identifying the stakeholders involved, understating the pressing contemporary economic issues, anticipating and learning from various banking and financial crises affecting different economies, as well as the key role of international agencies and development partners in policy development and outcomes. GraSPP places an important emphasis on developing students’ communication and leadership skills by designing courses in such a way that encourages them to share their ideas with practitioners and fellow classmates. Here, I got the opportunity to learn not only about the Japanese economy and its success story but also to expand my knowledge base by engaging in knowledge sharing with international students working in various policy fields.

Many advantages to pursuing higher education in Japan

Japan is a very beautiful country with a rich and unique culture. The Japanese are known for their honesty, discipline, hard work, kindness, and helpful nature. Apart from studying, international students can learn a great deal from Japanese culture and its people, which can help shape their character and encourage them to bring this good nature home with them upon their return. There are many scholarships available for international students, such as the Japanese Government Scholarship, funding offered by the university, and grants and scholarships offered by various private foundations and companies. Many universities in Japan are now offering high-quality education in English, offering even more opportunities for international students to study in Japan. The Japanese government has introduced measures to attract qualified talent from abroad due to the challenges posed by the highly aging population. As such, international students with Japanese degrees are highly valued in Japan. For these reasons, I believe Japan is a great country for those who want to pursue higher education, as well as those who want to work and live in Japan in the long term.

GraSPP helped me develop theoretical knowledge of public policy as well as self-confidence

My master’s program at GraSPP has not only enriched my theoretical knowledge of public policy and its practical application but has also helped me to improve my organizational and communication skills. I believe that I am now better equipped to contribute towards the formulation and implementation of policy, as well as more confident in my ability to present my work with Bangladesh Bank to various actors and stakeholders. Presently, I am working with the Bangladesh Bank’s supervision department. As part of my responsibilities, I have to deal with various risks that banks face and come up with recommendations on how to mitigate those problems to present to my supervisors at the bank. My knowledge about various banking and global financial crises that I gathered during my masters at GraSPP is helping me to come up with innovative ideas and think more dynamically in the professional world. Being a shy person by nature, I struggled a lot to speak publicly but now, I am more self-assured and outspoken. For this, I am greatly indebted to GraSPP for helping me develop self-confidence as it has contributed immensely to my present career and taught me how to prepare for tackling future challenges.

I would like to invite international students to explore the educational opportunities at GraSPP and UTokyo more broadly, and to experience the unique Japanese culture and exceptionally kind Japanese people. I would like to advise them to take full advantage of every learning opportunity that GraSPP has to offer because its degree and status are widely recognized and respected all over the world and will provide you with an education that will help shape and influence your future career development.