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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

My incredible experience in Tokyo and at Todai

Smahane Alice Caroline El Arouni (from France)

I decided to go to Japan because I wanted to discover this amazing culture and enjoy a new environment. Japan is all the most surprising, and as I expected it is a combination of tradition and modernity.  It offers a wide variety of landscapes, from mountains, to lake or even volcano and a delicious food! I had the chance to live at the heart of Tokyo, Shibuya. Tokyo is a vibrant and dynamic city, with many sightseeing, temples, museums and close enough to astonishing places where you can go for a day-trip. Studying at Todai was a very enriching experience. I had the opportunity to visit major Japanese businesses (Hitachi, Fuji) and to have a deeper understanding of the Japanese way of doing business. I would recommend this experience for sure!

Here are some classes I really enjoyed;

Population aging and the generational economy:
This course is about demography in Asia and the world. The teacher is a very dynamic professor, expert in demography (worked for the UN and various governments, delivered speech at Nobel Ceremony), with lots of data to provide. His class is very interesting to understand demography as an underlying driver of the economy and especially relevant according to the demographic problems Japan is currently facing.

Case Study- Business environment, stakeholders and issues; a learning experience in collaboration with Japanese industry:
This course invites students to get familiar with Japanese companies and learn the issues their managers have in mind. It is composed of lectures by the teacher or guest speakers from major Japanese companies (e.g. Hitachi, JGC). I had the opportunity to visit some Japanese companies (e.g. Fuji TV). I was assigned a group to work with on a topic related to Japanese management issues and had to give a presentation at the end of the class. It is, according to me, one of the best classes provided by GraSPP.