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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

ADBI Summer Internship

Veronica Wee

Over the summer holidays, I had the opportunity to complete a two-month-long internship with the Capacity Building and Training (CBT) team of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI). Due to the coronavirus situation, all activities of ADBI were conducted entirely online, including this internship. Prior to the internship, I requested a senior staff and research associate to be my supervisors. As most events were conducted online and did not require any intern support, my primary responsibility was to research and write a working paper on a topic of my choice, which I decided with my supervisors at the start of the internship. I was able to build on a topic I had briefly researched for a class and develop the argument under the guidance of the ADBI staff.

During the course of the internship, I had the privilege of attending weekly team meetings, during which all team members, including interns, gave updates on their activities for that week. This gave us the opportunity to meet other members of the CBT team and learn about the many ongoing activities of ADBI, including interesting webinars and courses.

In addition, another senior staff kindly extended an opportunity to both the other GraSPP intern and myself to participate in an online course that ADBI co-organised with Stanford University on using the case study method to tackle infrastructure development problems. As this was the first time that the course was provided online, several research associates and myself were appointed group secretaries to facilitate discussion and organise additional meetings for participants to prepare for the final presentation at the end of the course. It was a challenge to coordinate participants located in various time zones, most of whom were government officials with extremely busy schedules. However, it was an enjoyable opportunity to meet government officials from various countries and Stanford staff and support the ADBI team in facilitating the course, while participating in the course myself.

This internship granted me valuable insight into the behind-the-scenes of ADBI activities, along with the chance to conduct further research beyond the limits of classes with the guidance of the staff. I deeply appreciated the opportunity to connect with ADBI staff and hope to eventually be able to work at ADBI as a full-fledged staff in the future.