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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Academic Calendar AY2019

Academic schedule:

[S1S2] Classes  April 5 (Fri) – July 22 (Mon)
[S1]  Classes  April 5 (Fri) – June 4 (Tue)
[S2]  Classes  June 5 (Wed) – July 29 (Mon)

April 12(Fri) no class day, The University of Tokyo Anniversary
April 29(Mon) – May 6(Mon) no class day, Public holidays
May 17(Fri) PM – 19(Sun) no class day, GOGATSU-SAI
June 4(Tue) Friday classes will be held
July 12(Wed) AM S1S2, no class day (PM classes will be held )
S2, normal class day
July 15(Mon) no class day, Public holidays
July 17(Wed) – 19(Fri) S1S2, no class day
S2, normal class day
July 24(Wed) – 26(Fri) S2, no class day (S1S2, outside of classes term)

[A1A2] Classes  September 24 (Tue) – January 8 (Wed)
[A1]  Classes  September 24 (Tue) – November 15 (Fri)
[A2]  Classes  November 18 (Mon) – January 15 (Wed)

October 14(Mon) no class day, Public holiday
October 22(Tue) no class day, Public holiday
November 4(Mon) no class day, Substitute public holiday
November 7(Thu) Monday classes will be held
November 13(Wed) Monday classes will be held
December 24(Tue) A1A2, no class day
A2, Friday classes will be held
December 25(Wed) A1A2, no class day
A2, Monday classes will be held
December 27(Fri) A1A2, no class day
A2, normal class day
December 28(Sat) – January 6(Mon) no class day
January 10(Fri) no class day (A1A2, outside of classes term)
January 13(Mon) no class day, Public holiday  (A1A2, outside of classes term)
  • Examinations are held during the last class of the term/semester.
  • With respect to combined courses offered by other faculties and graduate schools, examinations will be held during the periodical examination periods set by each respective faculty and graduate school.

Course Registration

Class hours

Period 1: 8:30 – 10:15
Period 2: 10:25 – 12:10
Period 3: 13:00 – 14:45
Period 4: 14:55 – 16:40
Period 5: 16:50 – 18:35
Period 6: 18:45 – 20:30