March 22, 2021
S1S2 Intensive「Case Study(Social Design and Management)」(5140743)
S1S2 Intensive「Case Study(Social Design and Management)」(5140743)
Call for Participants – CAMPUS Asia Joint Course: International Public Policy in East Asia Deadline: 4pm, Tuesday, April 6, 2021 JST
Deadlines/Event Dates April 6, 2021
UNU-IAS courses in the spring semester AY2021
Deadlines/Event Dates September 17, 2020
Call for participation as observers in “Case Study (International Field Workshop)” in A2 Intensive (5140730-2/5179004-2)
2nd TTPU Seminar ~ Approaches to Develop New Sustainable Mobility Solutions ~
経済政策コース入学予定者の皆さんへ ~必修3科目の準備について~
Monday Classes will be conducted on Thursday, Jan 7
“Aiming to produce and utilize systems that are useful for regional public transport” Mr. Hirokazu Kato, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
海洋エネルギー資源シリーズ「我が国を取り巻く情勢変化への対応と海洋状況把握(MDA)の将来像~海を護る礎として~」 海上保安庁元長官 中島敏 氏
海洋エネルギー資源シリーズ「海洋エネルギー・鉱物資源開発計画について(仮)」経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁 資源・燃料部 政策課燃料政策企画室室長 市川紀幸 氏