April 20, 2020
Lectures by senior management of the World Bank: “Development Operations of the World Bank Group”
Lectures by senior management of the World Bank: “Development Operations of the World Bank Group”
(REPOSTED)オンライン授業受講のためのネットワーク環境支援ついて / The network environment support for taking online classes
Deadlines/Event Dates April 21, 2020
クラスサポーター制度について/Class Supporter System
S1S2「Econometrics fo Public Policy」(5113074)
オンライン授業URL検索システムUTAS Liteについて/Online class URL search system “UTAS Lite”
S1S2「知的財産政策」(5111120) ※4/14参考資料差替
Regarding Research Paper / リサーチペーパーについて
Research paperDeadlines/Event Dates July 24, 2020
Regarding Thesis / 研究論文について Partially corrected
ThesisDeadlines/Event Dates May 15, 2020