November 29, 2019
NOTICE: Class Rooms will be closed for the year-end and New Year holidays (from 27 Dec. to 5 Jan.)/年末年始の演習室の閉室について(12月27日~1月5日)
NOTICE: Class Rooms will be closed for the year-end and New Year holidays (from 27 Dec. to 5 Jan.)/年末年始の演習室の閉室について(12月27日~1月5日)
【再募集】令和2年度大学入試センター試験監督補助者の募集について ※募集終了(12/7)
Deadlines/Event Dates January 15, 2020
Examination Schedule(Faculty of Law・A Semester)
Make-up Lecture Schedule(Faculty of Law・A Semester)
Repost:NOTICE: Removal of personal belongings in the GraSPP Student Space (Fri. 15 Nov.)/ 学生スペースの私物撤去(11月15日(金))
Deadlines/Event Dates November 15, 2019
(Attention!) Application Deadline is approaching! AY2020 GraSPP Exchange/Double Degree Programs
Deadlines/Event Dates November 13, 2019
NOTICE: AY2019 UTokyo Diploma Presentation Ceremony /令和元年度 東京大学学位記授与式について
Repost:NOTICE: Removal of personal belongings in the GraSPP Student Space (Fri. 15 Nov.)/ 学生スペースの私物撤去(11月15日(金))
Deadlines/Event Dates November 15, 2019
Deadlines/Event Dates November 27, 2019