April 10, 2023
Regarding courses hold lottery when the number of registrants exceeds 60
Regarding courses hold lottery when the number of registrants exceeds 60
Announce from ADBI : T7 Japan Summit
Deadlines/Event Dates April 21, 2023
Closing schedule of the Graduate School Office / 窓口業務の休止について
NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the spring semester AY2023 / 2023年度前期授業料の支払いについて
Tuition feeスペシャル・イングリッシュ・レッスン2023年度Sセメスター講座開講のお知らせ
NOTICE: Students Medical Checkups AY 2023
AY2023 Course Registration and Academic Procedures Guide
<Second Call>UTokyo Global Unit Courses(UTokyo GUC)
Deadlines/Event Dates April 21, 2023
Regarding first day of class