January 11, 2023
国際連合大学:UNU-IAS 気候変動COP27報告会・大学院プログラム説明会のお知らせ
Deadlines/Event Dates January 13, 2023
国際連合大学:UNU-IAS 気候変動COP27報告会・大学院プログラム説明会のお知らせ
Deadlines/Event Dates January 13, 2023
NOTICE: Result of Admission Fee/Tuition Exemption for the Second Half of AY2022
Tuition fee , Admission feeJAN 17-19 Wiring work on 4F of Akamon General Research Bldg
東京国際交流館の入居者募集(令和5年度推薦方式)について *Japanese nationality required.
(UTokyo Day Nursery)Application for Regular Daycare Enrollment in April, 2023
Deadlines/Event Dates January 4, 2023
[REPOST]NOTICE: Temporary suspension of certificate dispenser during the year-end and New Year holidays / 年末年始の証明書発行機稼働スケジュール
[REPOST]NOTICE: GraSPP Graduate School office will be closed for the year-end and New Year holidays (from 28 Dec. to 3 Jan.)
Request of Information regarding Defacement of Lecture Hall B