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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

MATLABキャンパスライセンス(Campus-Wide License)の利用開始 / Start using the MATLAB Campus-Wide License March 27, 2019

Start using the MATLAB Campus-Wide License

The University of Tokyo has started to provide MATLAB Campus-Wide License software by MathWorks. These services are free but you must obey the use regurations below.

  1. The purpose of use is only for edutaion and research activities.
  2. The use is limited only for student or staff belonging to UTokyo.
  3. You must agree the use regulation in advance. When you use the software, you must keep security policies and regulations.
  4. UTokyo uses the user information for service management.
  5. We may stop the use to keep security reason.

– You need to activate UTokyo Account.
– Please login with your MathWorks account from the MATLAB portal. If you don’t have a MathWorks account, you need to register an account using your UTokyo Account.