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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

The first day of class for S1 and S1S2 (4/9 updated) April 9, 2019

Courses in S1 and S1S2 of GraSPP will begin from April 5th, but the first class of the following courses is different. So please be careful.
Besides, schedules of joint curricular courses might be different from GraSPP’s. Please note it.

Day/Period Course Title First class
Fri/1-2 5140060
April 19th
Period 2
Fri/4 5111120
April 19th
Fri/5 5140494
April 19th
Tue/4 5123038
Data Science for Practical Economic Research
April 16th
Wed/4-5 5122110
April 17th